C.S. Sound Recommended List

  During the past 25 years in the entertainment business we have performed at many different facilities, and, were fortunate enough to experience many different caterers, banquet facilities, photographers, florists, and videographers.

              We have created a page of our recommended list of these experiences. The list of individuals and/or companies on this page are based on presentation, quality of service, food, and personal assistance to the customers we have worked with. This page will continue to be updated as we continue to experience quality services throughout our booking schedule. This list is intended as a guide based on our entertainers experiences during their performance and not intended as a complete list of "Quality Only" companies. Please feel free to call any of the companies/individuals listed or call our C. S. Sound Hot line at 614.579.1202 for more information about these vendors. We hope this helps in your event planning, and please e-mail us with your comments.

Banquet Facilities:

Hickory Lakes, Pickerington Ohio - (614) - 837 - 2143 (Mathew Buccilla)

Little Turtle Country Club - Westerville, Ohio - (614) - 882 - 5920 ('B.J.' Landrum)

The Makoy Center Hilliard, Ohio - (614) - 777 - 1211

Royal American Links Country Club - Galena, Ohio - (740) - 965 - 5122 (Vance)

Hilton Columbus (Easton Town Center) - Columbus, Ohio - (614) - 414 - 5000  (Adam Yezzi)



Anthony Magnacca Photography - (614) - 891 - 9595

Myers Photography (Kim & Chad) - (614) - 367 - 7872 



Skyward Concessions - (mike)


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